Ten Picture Tour of My School

I recently saw some blog posts where people were sharing ten pictures from their school. The purpose being to share a little bit about your school and in turn get to know people in our PLN a little better. I spent my plan period walking around my building and took these ten pictures to share with my readers a little piece of my "home" at Lincoln Junior High School. You will notice that I doctored up some of the pictures...because I like doing that sort of thing. Enjoy!

  This is our band room. Our performing arts is a big part of our school and proud point for all of us.

This is the wall in one of our gyms with the signs of all our conference championships we have won in various sport. I am responsible for a few up there as a coach...

This is a picture taken inside of our courtyard that my classroom actually looks out into. In the middle of the "patio" area there is a large lizard/dinosaur statue that was donated to us by a local artist.

In the front plaza of our school we have a large rock dedicated to a past principal as well as our flag pole. This is where our student population congregates in the morning and after school.

This is one wall of my classroom...mine green screen is hanging ready for action. It would be wrong not to include this as many of you know me for some of the green screen aided videos I have created.

This is a nice picture of the floor in our wood gym. Again, athletics, intramurals, and PE are a big part of our school.

This is one of our two long hallways that run parallel in the school. During passing periods they are cramped with kids.

This is our "tile gym" that is used for PE and also serves as our cafeteria. There is also a large rock climbing wall and mural of a castle on the back wall.

This is a picture of one of our many science labs where students do all sorts of cool labs that include the famous Egg Drop and Diet Coke and Mentos rockets.

This is a view of the side of the building with the open fields that are used for recess, athletics, intramurals and various outdoor activities.

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