You've Got A Friend In Me

You’ve Got a Friend in Me is the song we choose for our little lip dub project. Yes, it was a fun project and I had a blast putting it together. However, I think symbolically it means a whole lot more. It is just a small symbol of the connections we have created and fostered through our Professional Learning Network on Twitter. I have only been active on Twitter since October of 2010 and in that time met some truly amazing and inspiring people. Some of these very people were involved in our little PLN Lip Dub project and I consider some of them my friends.

Some people see Twitter and other social media outlets as a waste of time and don’t “get it”. I will say very openly and honestly, Twitter has been the single greatest influence in my teaching career. I have learned more and connected more in these few short weeks than the previous eight years of teaching. The experiences I have had and the people I have met through Twitter is something I could never have hoped to accomplish without it. The song we choose was You’ve Got a Friend in Me, and I think it really says it all. Many of the people in our extended PLN’s are people we have never actually met face to face. Yet, we share with them our latest and greatest resources and even pieces of our personal life. If friends are people that are there for each other and lend a helping hand, then yes, Twitter does help create friends. And you’ve got a friend in me…



  1. That's a very cool way to involve a PLN in something fun! Plus, I saw @CeciELT and @ShellTerrell in there--two of the greatest. =)

  2. Nicely done :) Thanks for helping to show how simple it is to rally a group of connected people (buncha goofballs in that crew) around a shared project!

  3. Great job Josh. Thanks for including me in the project! I agree wholeheartedly in the statement that I can learn more, connect more in 8 minutes on twitter than in any PD session. Thank you PLN!

  4. Looks great Josh and thanks for including me! I will now put the tuba down again for another 15 years. =)

  5. Lyn said it best. Buncha goofballs is right. :) Seriously though, nice job and these are all awesome people I'm proud to be connected to and learn from regularly.

  6. Wow! How cool is that! Not only are they all good looking, each of them can carry a tune and move like Fred Astaire. Great work.

  7. I love that @kylepace had props. Fun! Tanks for including me.
