ISTE Flash Mob

Here is the unofficially official ISTE Flash Mob video from this past week’s conference held in the front lobby of the Pennsylvania Convention Center. A huge thank you goes out to all that participated in this fun event. Special notice to Tim Gwynn and Michelle Baldwin for organizing it and jumping through a series of hoops to make it happen. Thanks to Ellie Gibbard from the Pennsylvania Convention Center for her support as well. In addition, thanks to John Jacobson of Double Dream Hands for his support and choreography and Cory Plough for some of the video footage. Also, thank you to Kristina Peters for being in the front row with Michelle and leading the crew!

Now many people tweeted about the ridiculousness of such an event taking place at the conference. They could not understand why anyone would be interested in such a venture and tweeted and spoke out about it. It’s funny because I remember hearing similar negativity when I took on the Lip Dub at my school this past spring. Some people just don’t get it. They don’t get why people would want to work together to do something fun. They don’t get the feeling of being part of something spontaneous and did I mention fun. They don’t get the sense of community and companionship that is the root of what makes us human. They don’t get that we will remember that moment with fondness for years to come. The don’t get that we share these moments and they are what binds us together and allows us to work together on a deeper and more meaningful level.

I encourage any of my readers to do a Lip Dub or a Flash Mob with your staff or your students. I guarantee it will be a memorable occasion and bring you all together with a deeper sense of community…and it will be fun!


  1. Thank you for posting. Enjoyed seeing the dance I was in a session when it was taking place. Don't know why anyone would complain I think it turned out great. Looks like everyone had a good time.

    Kay :-)

  2. Until about a month ago, I never even heard of a flash mob before! Since then I am catching them everywhere. Thanks for sharing this! I would love to know how you were able to put the video together. Awesome work everyone put into this performance!

  3. I loved it. Thanks for sharing. I think it is a great way to bring people together. I will do it with my students this year.

  4. What a lot of fun! I'm sorry I missed it! Ignore the naysayers, they are just hatin'. There are people like that no matter where you are, they wallow in the misery of their lives and want others to join them. You guys had a good time, and that's all that matters.:)

  5. Well done, Josh.

    I'm with Lisa M - ignore the haters! They probably haven't had any fun for a while, and don't like others having any. :)

    What a great idea for a conference! I want to be in a flash mob at my next conference, perhaps it should be ISTE 2012.

  6. Wish I could have seen this! I hope our girls at the conference got to see it, though!

  7. I was one of the participants and I LOVED it! It was incredibly fun and I truly appreciate the effort that went into making this happen. Thanks for allowing this 50+ participant to cross it off her bucket list!

  8. Funny that this happened during the Principals' Panel presentation...Just like the students in school, you guys pull this stuff when the administrators are tied up! ;)

    However, just to show that Principals like to have fun too, I will commit to making this happen at BHS this year. Thanks for the inspiration! Can I get Kristin and Michelle to come help with the choreography?

  9. How many is many??

    Just ignore the naysayers....

    it is very easy to sit on the sidelines and grumble -- it is much harder to get up and do something.

    Congrats on a good job.
    It looked fun and about time ISTE had a flash mob.

    And next year's in San Diego will be even bigger.

    Good job.
