Why I Write

Writing has always been a part of my life. Since I was young, I always enjoyed playing with words and using them to illustrate a point or tell a story. I still have notebooks filled with thoughts, ideas, and poems from my adolescent years. If nothing else, they provide a glimpse into my mind at different periods in my life. I change and so too does my writing. This blog and the writing I have done on it, has changed the way I teach more than anything in my career. It holds me accountable for my words and actions while providing me an outlet for my ideas. The simple act of writing something and clicking “post” is really profound. By doing that I am sharing my thoughts, ideas, and in some case my very being with the world. Some people will hate it, some people will love it and in both cases I am better because of it.

My beliefs and opinions are constantly challenged and therefore always evolving. However, even as those thoughts change, the reasons behind my writing stay the same. 

  • I write because I want to challenge and be challenged.
  • I write to reflect on what I’ve done, what I’m doing, and what I will do.
  • I write in hopes to express ideas that don’t make sense until I put them in writing.
  • I write to share my ideas in hopes it might help someone else.
  • I write on behalf of those who can or will not write for themselves.
  • I write to hold myself accountable for my thoughts and actions.
  • Mostly importantly…I write because I enjoy it.

Why do you write? If you don’t, what is holding you back? 


  1. Wonderfully said!! Thank you for sharing!! Many of your points echo why I started my own blog and started my students on blogging. :D

  2. Wonderfully written! I share your sentiments. It is the reason why I started my own blog and why I just introduced my students to blogging.

  3. Great post! I've also written a lot my entire life as well. When I was younger, I would write to express myself, but, more than that, I would write to escape. Coming from a difficult environment growing up, writing was a way for me to get away from it all and be in my own little world (if that makes any sense). Thankfully, I don't have to write to escape any longer, however, I still enjoy writing. I write for many of the same reasons you write: to challenge myself, to reflect and plan ahead, to keep me accountable to others, but mainly myself, and to clarify and expand upon my thoughts. Writing brings my thoughts alive. I write because it makes me a better person and educator. I write because I enjoy it.

    Thanks for writing this post.

    Happy Writing!

  4. I do not write daily, frequently or hardly - particularly in public forum.
    Because writing is not always my way of thinking, expressing or sharing my thoughts, ideas or emotions. I find that reading what I have written in hindsight is unpleasant, irrelevant, disconnected, and pointless. Who is reading my words anyway but me! It seems disjointed to read someone else comments about my writing because I do not know this individual. How do I know, that their response is genuine emotion, supportive feedback, and conscientious ideas? Does the person reading and responding really mean what they say? It could be that others have misconstrued what I have written as being peculiar, sanguine, sinister, or bizarre! Therefore, they have judged me before meeting me and formed an opinion, which may or may not be accurate. It is different compared to your desire to write; that you enjoy, thrive, and hope to challenge and be challenged as a writer.

  5. I also love words. I love the power that they can wield. George Carlin always talked about the power of words. I marveled at the way he would turn them into magic. I even found myself inspired to put my words down on paper, but the sad thing is that the inspiration never lasts. I rarely write. The only times I write is when it is required of me. I do not dislike the writing process. I find that it comes to me fairly easily. What I tend to dislike is the product of the writing process. I have never been proud or satisfied with my writing regardless of any positive feedback. I don't know why I feel so bad about my writing. Whenever I finish a paper, I get an overwhelming feeling of disgust. I find it nearly impossible to proofread it. It's never good enough for me, which is why I could never maintain a blog. I have tried several times only to let it fade away. I think it is my own insecurities that hold me back. I could probably work through my insecurities by keeping a journal of my thoughts and feelings, but it would require me to write on a regular basis. How ironic. Maybe I'll try it some day.

  6. I don't think a public forum for some people is a good thing. Controversy is not usually my style and I take too many things personally. So for people like me it is probably best that what I think doesn't upset some and then come back to upset me. I love to write for the audience of a few but never the masses. I am glad it works for you but can never imagine "airing" my thinking. Perhaps an anonymous blog but I think that may defeat the purpose. Before introducing students to the basics of blogging I would remind them not censor themselves but "Just because you have the right to do (or say) something doesn't mean it is the right thing to do (or say)".

  7. If you want to know this world, you should read anything.

    If this world want to know you, you should write anything.

    So, keep writing and reading
