The World Has Changed...My First Keynote

Here is the first official keynote I have been privileged to give. It was for a local school district's professional development day and I had a blast! The angle of the camera wasn't great but I think the sound was solid. I hit three big topics; Student Motivation at 1:38, Technology at 26:11 and Challenging the Status Quo at 47:22.

If you pay attention you will notice a small error in my editing. The title on the top of the last section does read "Student Motivation" rather than "Status Quo" as it should. However, due to the nearly 21 hours of rendering the file, plus several hours of uploading and processing on youtube...I am going to let it ride. :)

As with anything I do, I would love feedback.


  1. Great Job! I agree with some many things you said! About homework, about connecting with kids, about technology, especially twitter, about student motivation! You did a very nice job, it was very well put together. I am still disappointed I didn't get to come to #edcampstl to meet you F2F but perhaps at ISTE. I appreciate your passion for kids and your desire to get better as a teacher, sadly that is not the case in many teachers.

  2. As the mother of two former LJHS students, I watched this with great interest. I hope you are given the power to influence your peers to change the way they do education. I have one child who is more motivated by grades because she/he is a bit of a perfectionist. My other child is not at all motivated by grades, which (I'm sure) frustrated the crap out of his teachers in jr. high. Guess what? They both attend/have attended Benet Academy and were VERY successful academically. I attribute this to a few things: the expectations are high and the teachers form relationships with the students. They know their students and each other very well. Thanks for giving voice to something new. Have just subscribed to your Twitter feed and am looking forward to seeing what is happening. I have hope for the future.

  3. Hey Josh, thanks for sharing your keynote. I too learn best by talking with other professionals and by hearing what they do and by having my practices challenged.

    The questions you ask and the ideas you shared are all things we can change in our classrooms now and do now without having to wait for our governing bodies to figure out that endless testing and reducing learning to numbers doesn't support learning.

  4. Great presentation. Even though I wasn't there, I am taking some things back to my classroom! Another thought in relation to your screencasts: I use voicethreads for students who were absent.

  5. Good Job! Many great yet simple ideas to implement that can change education. Love parents in the classroom! Involved parents all the time in my kindergarten classroom and now in second grade realized need to do the same. Plan on inviting parents to find a day or two to spend with their child. Thanks Jody for sending me your presentation, awesome teacher and sister (previous comment)

  6. Congrats on the keynote. I enjoyed watching the audience slowly buy in to your vision.

  7. Thanks for the video! There are a group of us educational leaders here in our little district that believe in everything that you have mentioned during this keynote, but we struggle with everyone else beginning to shift their focus- admins, other teachers, and even parents. The shift really needs to change!
