Expanding Student's Horizons

Recently, I had the distinct pleasure to model the new ISTE Ignite sessions at the kickoff session of the 2012 ISTE conference in San Diego. For those of you that don't know what an Ignite session is, it is a fast paced style of presenting. The speaker is given a set number of slides and a limited time on each slide. The presenter does not have control over the slides as they will change automatically when the time is up. For me, I had 15 slides and each slide was up for 15 seconds. It was a lot of fun and I can see this being a useful model even for students presenting in class.



David said...

What is up with the costumes of the two people who introduced you?

Scott said...

Great speech! I love the Innovation Day idea.

Unknown said...

Loved the Ignite speech and would like to use it in my classroom! The innovation day sounds incredible, definitely giving me some ideas for the upcoming year!

Unknown said...

Good Job Josh!

Innovation day sounds like a great idea. I have always been a big fan of project based learning. I firmly believe that students learn more when figuring things out themselves. This seemed natural to me as a science teacher.


Josh said...

It was part of the opening ”bit” at the conference.

Mrs. Bailey said...

What an inspiring speech! Great job. Do you have a formal written proposal for your innovation day (perhaps something that you used to present the idea to your staff and/or administration? I would like to pitch this idea to my administration, but would like to see how it was facilitated in your school and then tweak it for mine.

K. Shelton said...

Love this format Josh. It is very similar to Pecha Kucha and a great method for refinement and practice for Educators

JDS said...

Great job Josh!

KiraHamann said...

Josh, congratulations on a very inspirational presentation, in such a concise and insightful package! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing how you have instilled Innovation Days to allow your students choice, independence, and self-made meaning within their learning. I especially appreciated the format of your presentation as I recently created my first Ignite-type Pecha Kucha for a graduate class and know how difficult it can be to concisely sum up all of the emotion and passion that goes into your everyday job of being a teacher. Although watching this format always leaves me wanting more, your presentation really gleaned the essentials from this topic, and for that I’m thankful! I plan to continue using this presentation format to force myself to be succinct and still powerful in my message. Thanks for this inspiration to keep trying!

KiraHamann said...

Josh, congratulations on a very inspirational presentation, in such a concise and insightful package! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing how you have instilled Innovation Days to allow your students choice, independence, and self-made meaning within their learning. I especially appreciated the format of your presentation as I recently created my first Ignite-type Pecha Kucha for a graduate class and know how difficult it can be to concisely sum up all of the emotion and passion that goes into your everyday job of being a teacher. Although watching this format always leaves me wanting more, your presentation really gleaned the essentials from this topic, and for that I’m thankful! I plan to continue using this presentation format to force myself to be succinct and still powerful in my message. Thanks for this inspiration to keep trying!